About this project

In his excellent book On Writing Stephen King suggests that you don't need to know how a story ends to make a start on writing it. You don't even need to know what happens in the middle. All you need is a character, and to put that character in a situation. The idea is just to start writing, and discover for yourself what happens next.

Well I've got a character, and I've got a situation. What I don't know is what's going to happen next but I'm going to try the King approach and just start writing, because I want to find out.

The problem I have is that I'm not one of the fortunate minority who make their living from their writing, and who have the time to write every day. I have a busy work life and, right now, an even busier home life. Despite my best intentions, finding time to just sit down and write is hard sometimes. What I need is some kind of framework, some more pressing motivation... in short, I need deadlines.

That's where this blog comes in. I intend to write a few hundred words each week, and publish them here every Friday. See? A deadline. I'll have to write something, otherwise.... well, you know, the whole shebang will come crashing down.

My intention is that the story, whatever it may end up as, will unwind over a period of weeks, kind of like an old serial novel or chapter play. Right now, I've no idea whether it'll end up as a short story (in which case this blog will be done and dusted in a month or so), a novella or something longer. Also, I'm hoping that anyone who reads this might offer constructive criticism via the blog's comments facility.

Let's see how it goes then, shall we?

Addendum: I'm not quote-marking speech, because I want to blur the distinction between what the narrator thinks and what he says. So relax, I can punctuate, honestly!

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